Dear Friends of Moormead
The FOM was formed in March 2013, at the suggestion of LBRuT, to help them by consultation in the management of Moormead.
We conducted a Survey in the Summer of 2013 to gauge what priorities the users have. We had 100 replies, for which many thanks. The main priorities are:-
- The pavilion
- Toilets
- Security, lighting and antisocial behaviour
The things that you like about Moormead are :-
- Local amenity of peace & calm
- St Margarets Fair
- Children's play park
- Getting to and from home
- Tennis
- Walking dogs
The Pavilion is obviously the major concern. In its present state it is only suitable for storing games equipment. There are differences of opinion between the users of the pavilion and LBRuT as to the cost of making it usable. To that end LBRuT, in June 2013, agreed to undertake a condition survey. Unfortunately this has not yet taken place because "it is a relatively small item in our construction team's programme." The Committee feel that this is a reason for it being done sooner rather than later and we will keep chasing.
The other concerns about toilets and the possibility of a caf� depend on the fate of the pavilion. It is important to realise that a caf� needs a viable financial plan which includes the maintenance of any additional facilities and keeping it clean and tidy. So far no-one has come forward with such a plan.
Security is an important issue which LBRuT and the SNNT take very seriously. Apart from a couple of incidents (one serious) the area is as safe as can be expected in an urban area.
The cricket pitch was removed. It was a woven mat on a light screed. The mat had numerous holes which were trip hazards. If it is to be replaced, consideration has to be given to 1) the cost 2) regular use and 3) the problem of cricket balls damaging cars and windows in Moor Mead Road. The problem is that the boundary is nearly on the road; an energetic 6 will cause damage unless high netting is used. There is a possibility of installing a pitch for soft ball training and play.
There are, in addition, two issues on the horizon. Firstly the planning permission for the new station development includes an undertaking by the developers to create a walkway from the station, along the railway side of the Crane, into Moormead. There is already easy access from Twickenham to Moormead along Cole Park Road. Whether in practice a new walkway will make any difference to the frequency and type of visits is clearly of interest. Your Committee will try to engage with LBRuT on the practicality of the conditions which will apply to this path.
Secondly there is a borough wide initiative called Mini Holland (providing safe and sustainable cycle ways). The map published by LBRuT is on too large a scale to see how, and if, it will affect Moormead. At the moment cycling is, in theory, prohibited in the park. LBRuT have promised that the routes for this initiative will be subject to consultation.
The condition of Moormead i.e. mud and drainage was commented on in January 2014 by 2 of our councillors. The area near the swings which always holds water has been discussed with LBRuT. They made a clearly unsuccessful attempt to improve drainage. The leaves were removed very late in the Autumn by means of a large tractor and leaf sweeper. Because the ground was so wet, particularly on Little Moormead, it can now be used as a site for WW1 re-enactments. Stephen Alexander has drawn the situation to the attention of Continental Landscapes Ltd. So far LBRuT have not commented either to the Councillors or the Friends.
We will hold an AGM in the Winchester Hall, as required by the constitution, in March or April this year.