1. Welcome & Introductions
- Stephen Alexander (Chair) introduced himself and the other Committee members present.
- David Allister, Head of Parks LBRuT and Siobhan Oktay, Community Links Officer, LBRuT were also in attendance. x26 Friends of Moormead who were present signed the attendance sheet and there were approximately 40 people in total present.
- Apologies were received from Moir Leslie and 3 local Councillors, Geoff Acton, Alex Ehmann and Ben Khosa
2. the minutes of the last AGM, held on 11th May 2015 were adopted
Annual report from the Chair
- The Chair reported that the majority of the activity had been around the Pavilion.
- A new baby and toddler area has been created in part of the children's playground.
- The parks contractors doing grass cutting and general maintenance are doing a good job.
4. Nominations and re-elections for the Committee
Those offering themselves for re-election were the outgoing 2015 Committee members with Peter Bloom and Rosie Bloom, as his Alternate, in addition.
- Proposed by: John Monhemius
- Seconded by: Mike Ainger
The members of the Committee are:-
- Stephen Alexander - Chairman
- Mandie Adams McGuire - Vice Chair
- James Bishop
- Nikki Gouldstone
- Harry Jacobs
- Barney King
- Moir Leslie
- Peter Bloom
- Rosie Bloom (Alternate to Peter Bloom)
5. The Pavilion
The AGM was brought forward from last year in order to allow for a meeting before the close of the Public Consultation on the future for Moormead Pavilion on 3rd May 2016. It had been proposed that those who had expressed an interest in the operation of the Pavilion, and who the Council had felt were possible viable options, should be invited to speak for 3 minutes on their proposal and answer questions.
- David Allister opened the discussion. He thanked FOM for the invitation to speak. He wished to make it clear that this was the FOM AGM and not a meeting sponsored by the Council.
- He reminded the meeting that at the meeting in 2015 it was agreed that the 3 Councillors would meet with him to discuss a way forward. This resulted in expressions of interest being advertised. The expressions of interest subsequently received fell broadly into 3 categories : Nursery Provision; Cafe; Sports focused.
- These categories formed the basis for the public consultation with the FOM and the wider community.
- Once the consultation is completed the Council will decide on the preferred option. In theory the next action would be to advertise the opportunity with formal tenders being invited making a business case for the preferred option.
- The tender that works for the Community and the Council would be selected. One clear criterion is sustainability.
- Once the Consultation closes on 3rd May, he will advise what the next stage is.
Stephen Alexander then invited those who had Expressed an Interest to give a 3 minute presentation. He said that the meeting would like to hear how their plans address:
- Provision of toilets and refreshments
- Provision of community space for activities and storage
- Impact of refurbished building
- Generation of traffic and parking
- Sustainability
Those speaking were:
- Gariesh Sharma on behalf of MoorMead Football Club
- Aysin Djemil promoter of Pistachio in the Parks cafes
- Liya Rickards proprietor of Mandarin Ducklings Day Nursery
Following each speaker, questions were invited from the floor.
(The detail of the presentation and the Q&A's are recorded as "Appendix 1"#appendix1.)
After the last speaker, there was a request from the floor for a show of hands as to which of the 3 options were preferred. In response SA said that there is always a tension between keeping Moormead a quiet place and the need to develop the Sports Pavilion. He said that he felt there has to be a combination of proposals. Everyone has their own views. FOM Committee members have their own views. Therefore it should be left to the consultation process.
SA was pressed from the floor for a vote. Harry Jacobs suggested that voting was not appropriate and may not be in the best interests of those that had spoken. Siobhan Oktay reminded the meeting that the Consultation is available on line and that she had paper copies for distribution with her for anyone who wished.
There was then a question as to an option of whether the Pavilion should be razed to the ground. Would the Council consider this? And the electricity substation?
David Allister said there are always options. The bottom line is to find something that meets the needs of the Community and is sustainable. If this can't be found it could be an option. The Council has no way of moving the electricity substation. This is down to the power providers.
David Allister said he had found it interesting listening to the the speakers and questions. He reminded the meeting that whatever the option selected, it would be subject to a planning process to include site development, traffic issues, noise generation and travel plans.
Funding issues will also need to be decided. These will have conditions attached but could start at 1/3rd to 2/3rd matched.
6. Any other business
7. Date of next meeting
Stephen Alexander said that Friends would be given notice of the next AGM in Spring 2017
8. Close
Stephen Alexander closed the meeting. He expressed thanks to everyone attending and especially David Allister and Siobhan Oktay. He also thanked Peter Mahnke for continuing to run the website.
Appendix 1 to the Minutes of the FOM AGM 27th April 2016
Presentations by parties interested in developing the use of the Pavilion
Moormead Football Club
Presented by Gariesh Sharma
- I run a coffee stall at the above event for children on a Saturday morning.
- We can access grant money, can raise our own money and get support from Richmond Council.
- We are firmly committed to mixed use - Cricket, Church, Schools. St Margarets Fair would have access.
- Our motives are transparent - see our Facebook site - Moormead Pavilion
- We are a not for profit organisation.
- Most children walk to the site.
- Moormead FC play home matches at Marble Hill Park.
- We have Chartered Status. We have been in existence 30 years, FC the last 10 years.
- We would extend the community spirit to other groups - storage, community space with coffee.
Q: SA asked about changing rooms. A: There would be a mixed use space that can be used for changing.
Q: What about a coffee shop? A: At the moment coffee is available Sat AMs. But could extend into a cafe, and possibly during the week.
Q: What about funding? A: Working with Brentford FC who has done this a lot. Plus Sport England. Matched funding. Ongoing costs for sustainability through subs.
Q: Will there be matches? A: No different from current situation. Internal matches. League matches are held in Marble Hill Park. This will continue. There is not enough space for further development.
Q: Would you improve the grounds? A: Would like to do more, using membership fees.
Q: What about girls' football? A: Would like to join forces with Cygnets girls on a Sunday.
Q: What about the Pavilion. How would it be developed? A: Just at an expression of interest stage. The footprint will stay the same.
Q: What about during the week? A: Would offer space to another business.
Q: How would the finances be managed? A: We would control hours and take a percentage.
Q: Cleaning? A: Someone would be put in charge of this, a manager.
Q: Toilets accessible at all times? A: We are looking at this. Will be open during football and when cafe open. Coffee shop responsible for cleaning.
Q: Parking? A: Don't see any change in current practice. If cafe open during the week there could be a change. Need to research.
Q: Continuity? A: Club has been going for 30 years. Now has chartered FC status.
Pistachios in the Parks
Presented by Aysin Djemil
- We run cafes in parks, all sports.
- 7 days a week commitment, would work with football clubs here.
- Have done building, up to 100k.
- Done commercially, deal with Councils, sustainable.
- Safe haven - eyes in the park.
- Dog walkers - tea - light lunches.
- Mums/toddlers - soft play Community room.
- Cafes in Hanwell, Richmond, Kings Field, Bushy Park - 7 days a week.
- Profit making to earn a living - franchises - charge 6.75%on turnover.
- CCTV link to portal so Council can see what's going on.
- Build a community spirit - offer activities.
- Engage in community - pop up restaurants - Y6 camping - football - cricket.
- Toilets always open - staff to keep them clean.
Q: How well do you know this area? A: It's a busy area - reducing carbon footprint by being local - walk there. If really successful, maybe people will start driving.
Q: Opening hours? A: 9-6, 4.30 - unless event - pop up would be later. 8.30am start for staff. No deep fat fryers, food all fresh etc. Put money back into the community by organising trips.
Q: What about noise, disruption, deliveries if business hours are long? A:Go and visit other cafes. Not a lot of noise. Look at Palewell Park, Manor House Gardens. Creating a nice village green/fete. Work with the community to develop the park.
Q: Community facilities? Toilets accessible? A: Toilets open for all, when cafe is open.
Q: Cope with loads of kids from football? A: Would put on additional cleaners. But this is all speculative at present. Would need to firm up.
Q: How long will you invest for? A: Must be 20 years - with break clauses.
Mandarin Ducklings Day Nursery
Presented by Liya Rickards.
- Thanks to everyone who has been involved in getting to this stage.
- My purpose here is to share my ideas.
- Two years ago I started this process.
- Three years ago I started a nursery in my house and now have a waiting list. There are no day care nurseries in St Margarets itself.
- I realised that the Pavilion was there to be developed.
- Process of getting to know what to use building for. People want a cafe and toilets. Is this suitable for us?
- Potentially can combine a few services into one - maximise use of this asset.
- Nursery runs 8 - 6 Mon to Fri. Sports Sats and Suns. Weekdays it's quiet in park for cafe.
- Nursery during week days, share space at w/e. Share space with sports club.
- Sustainability to keep it running. We would take more responsibility for the building.
- We ask, can we do more? Birthday parties at w/e's?
- Provision of toilets and refreshments - toilet inside cafe at w/e's.
- Community space and storage - share building with sports and fair.
- Refurbish building - keep it as it is but better. More inviting, more comfortable.
- Re generation of traffic - only 10% of parents would travel by car. Quick drop off and pick up. Could have a catchment area - priority for places to go to children in St Margarets. Keep an eye on the situation.
- Sustainability - A small business. St Margarets developed as Nappy Valley. Greater demand for a day nursery. After only 3 years my business has a waiting list.
Q: How many children? A: 20 local families - all day care - very little half days.
Q: Weekdays, toilet facilities not available. A: Depends. Not allowed to share children's toilets with public. Possibility of separate access.
Q: Play area? Extend outdoor footprint? Enclosed? A: We would like a small outdoor play area - fenced off area - softened by hedging.
Q: For 20 children, how much area? A: No legal requirement for space.
Q: Clarify number of children. A: 20 children. Comment from floor: Would like to see it razed to the ground and put somewhere else.
Q: New build or current structure? A: Within current structure, squaring off, allowing for storage for football and fair.
Q: Funding? A: Private, renting with Council? other users ?.
Q: 20 children need a lot of stuff. It's admirable to maximise building but is there room? A: Need to think of smart ways to utilise space. Some areas not open to the public.
Q: Evening use after 6pm? A: Could certainly explore - but aware of use. FOM meetings, Church groups?