7th Annual General Meeting – Friends of Moormead Park
Held at the Winchester Hall, Turks Head
Monday 26 September 2022 at 6:30pm
18 people in attendance
1. Welcome from the chair (Will Flower) and vice-chair (James Bishop)
2. Apologies for absence provided by the following committee members: Mandie Adams-McGuire, Moir Leslie, Graeme Walker, Janey Welbourn, Harry Jacobs, Nikki Gouldstone, Ann Hopkins
3. Minutes of 6th AGM (Thursday 20 June 2019) accepted by all present
4. Nominations and re-elections:
a. Tom Bird proposed William Flower as chairman, this was seconded by Peter Wilson
b. Tom Bird and Alex Eliseev put themselves forward to join the committee
c. All current committee members apart from Janey Welbourn have confirmed that they are willing to stay on the committee for the next year
5. Updates provided by community groups as follows:
○ Moormead Cricket Club update by Tom Bird:
■ 250 members
■ Middlesex south area 'Spirit Of Cricket' winners last season
■ Clubmark accreditation approved in 2022
○ Moormead Football club update by Ellie Green:
■ Period of change over last 2-3 years
■ 250+ registered players u9 to u18
■ 150 other junior children participating
■ Create common thread through club
■ FA Charter mark status still in place
■ Yr 7 upwards train away from Moormead Park
○ St Marys football club by Peter Wilson:
■ 60 kids
■ As they get older they join Twickenham Saints
○ Tennis (Will Flower on behalf of Jeremy Hooton):
■ Courts undergone significant refurbishment this year
■ Onsite coach Nathan Mackey providing tennis lessons 5-6 days/week on courts
○ Junior Park Run (Will Flower on behalf of Park Run)
■ 9-10am Sunday mornings
○ St. Margarets Fair (Karen Miller)
■ This year was the most successful to date
■ Money divided between five local schools and selection of charities
■ Fair is generally run by school parents
■ Always looking for volunteers
■ Storage is an issue (currently being kept in North London)
■ Christmas dinner held for local OAPs
■ Provide support to Christmas lunch for young carers
■ Ambition to improve Green credentials
■ Concern regarding balloon waste after this year’s fair. It is fair policy for stall’s not to have balloons
■ Request to get more of local youth bands involved
■ FoM committee to be invited to future fair meetings
○ Councillor Katie Mansfield
■ Pathway to Twickenham station now has been granted planning permission
■ Wrong materials used last time (poor durability)
■ Solum (developers) say it will be ready to open at the end of October
○ Geoff Acton (Cole Park Residents Chair):
■ Queen’s Jubilee Tree is not looking healthy (currently kept in a greenhouse)
■ Hopefully it will recover, if not it will be replaced
■ Tree to be installed within circular bench
● Moormead Community and Sports Pavilion (MCSP) (Gariesh Sharma)
o Planning Permission achieved in January 2022
o Support from Richmond Council: meeting in June and gave support and pledged £150k towards project
o Lease still to be agreed with Council (Memorandum of understanding to be completed within a few weeks)
o Project team currently missing a commercial director, communications manager and a website manager
o Next 6 months will involve Institutional fundraising (subject to funding windows)
o Expected cost of building currently at £750k
o The Business Plan for Pavilion has been reviewed by Council and supported. Copy of plan is available.
o Updates to park users could be provided by materials posted on hoarding - linking smart devices to web-based content
6. Any Other Business:
○ Storage unit provided by Council in August 2022:
■ Being used by football, cricket, One Element fitness groups and Park Run
■ Offers carbon footprint reduction, since pavilion was boarded up equipment had been stored/regularly delivered in organisers car boots
○ Request for improvements to chidren's playground (by Matt Brown):
■ Ground-based trampolines
■ Larger chair/multi-person swings
○ Comment regarding mud on pavements
■ North Sheen has boot scraper, could be considered for future Moormead Pavilion building
○ Matt Brown:
■ PTA at Orleans Primary School
■ Suggestion to carry out ‘Colour Run’ in June 2023 in Park as fundraiser for Pavilion
■ Vote taken by those still present. Result: 12 in favour in principle, 4 abstentions